3rd International Rehabilitation Conference
“The critical role of the rehabilitation workforce in primary care and health system enhancement”
8-9 November 2024
About the conference
Aim of the conference
The 3rd International Rehabilitation Conference is a 2-day event, with presentations delivered by researchers from the international community, including presentations from keynote speakers and state-of-the-art lectures. It will be held at Metropolitan College, Maroussi Campus, Athens, Greece, on 8-9 of November, 2024. All registered papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Metropolitan College with the Institute of Occupational Science and Rehabilitation participates to WRA. Since its inception in 2022, WRA serves as a unifying platform for all rehabilitation stakeholders to collectively advocate for rehabilitation, support implementation of Rehabilitation 2030 and ensure that rehabilitation becomes a part of Universal Health Coverage.
This common interdisciplinary platform is expected to:
- Highlight the rehabilitation definition of WHO, as a set of interventions designed to optimise functioning and reduce disability in individuals, in interaction with their environment, where rehabilitation is an investment in human capital that contributes to health, economic and social development to create enabling environments. (see REHABILITATION 2030)
- Communicate to professionals, academics, researchers, students and services the Rehabilitation Competency Framework of WHO, with the most recent scientific evidence.
- Highlight the fact that disability is a human rights issue and communicate it at a local and international level, by raising awareness about people with disabilities and their struggle for equal rights.
The Scientific and Organising Committees of the conference invite citizens with disabilities, service providers, funding bodies, professional organisations, research organisations, academic institutions, non-governmental and governmental organisations, as well as national and international organisations to actively participate in the 3rd International Rehabilitation Conference.

International Speakers


Learning from the Experts
Keynote Speakers
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 1 - Barnett](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-1-Barnett.jpg)
Professor in Psychology, Associate Director, Centre for Psychological Research, Oxford Brookes University, UK (BA, PhD, CPsychol, AFBPs)
Keynote title: “Movement Matters: A holistic approach to assessing movement difficulties in Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)”
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 3 - Filiz](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-3-Filiz.jpg)
Head of Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Department, Lead for Orthopaedic Rehabilitation and Geriatric Rehabilitation Units, Faculty of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Member of Earthquake and Disaster Coordination Board, Turkish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology
Keynote Title: “The role of physiotherapists in disaster and health crisis"
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 4 - JM](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-4-JM.jpg)
Senior Lecturer in Speech and Language Therapy, Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language Research Centre, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Keynote title: “Novel application of ultrasound in Speech and Language Therapy: navigating the journey from bench to bedside”
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 2 - Cathal](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-2-Cathal.jpg)
WHO Regional Office for Europe Rehabilitation, Digital and Assistive Technologies, Disability Inclusion
Keynote title: “Transforming primary healthcare and integrating rehabilitation services: perspectives from WHO Regional Office for Europe”
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 6 - Schulze](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-6-Schulze.jpg)
Professor in Occupational Therapy, School of Health Sciences Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland
Keynote title: "Nothing about us without us: Engaging Children in Research and Decision-Making on Everyday Activities and Participation”
![REHAB2024 - [Photo- 360x400px] - 5 - Philippou](https://rehabconf.mitropolitiko.edu.gr/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/REHAB2024-Photo-360x400px-5-Philippou.jpg)
Professor of Physiology-Exercise Physiology at the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece (PhD, FACSM)
Keynote title: "EXERCISE IS MEDICINE: Establishing physical exercise as an integral part of health care"



Conference Programme at a Glance
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | ||||||
Amphitheater | Room A3 | Room A1 | Amphitheater | Room A3 | Room A1 | Amphitheater | Room A3 | Room A1 |
09.00 Keynote Speech - Prof. Fiona Coutts, QMU Does Rehabilitation post surgery or cancer treatment start with Pre-habilitation? |
09.00 Keynote speech - Prof. Anand Pandyan, Keele University Electrical Stimulation in the acute rehabilitation of stroke patients: To stimulate or not? |
10.00 Special Session: MSK Rehabilitation |
10.00 Round table: An interdisciplinary approach for psychosocial rehabilitation in children with HFA at a greek private center |
10.00 Round table: Interdisciplinary assessment of a patient with hemiplegia |
10.20 SPECIAL SESSION An interprofessional approach to rehabilitation practice |
11.20 - Coffee break & Networking |
11.20 - Coffee break & Networking |
11.40 Round table: Optimizing Caridac Rehabilitation to improve outcome. |
11.40 Individual Presentations |
11.40 Keynote Speech -Prof. Helen Dawes, OBU Exercise in the wild: Exercise for Neurological Conditions |
12.20 - Coffee break & Networking |
12.40 Special Session: Occupation in rehabilitation |
12.40 Workshop (in Greek): Promoting collaboration throuh communication |
12.40 Individual presentations |
14.00 - Lunch break |
13.00 - Lunch break |
14.00 Keynote Speech - Prof. Brendan McCormack QMU Person -centred rehabilitation: the person comes first. |
13.20 - Lunch break |
14.20 Special Session: Enabling Patients To Improve Their Quality Of Life |
14.20 Special Session: Disability in the community |
15.00 Round table: An interdisciplinary approach to neurodevelopmental disorders in ELEPAP - Rehabilitation for the disabled |
15.00 Workshop: Interdisciplinary collaboration in voice therpy |
15.00 Individual Presentations |
15.00 Special Session: SLT interventions in rehabilitation |
16.20 - Coffee break & Networking |
Closing Keynote Dr. P. Siaperas, Metropolitan College The cotemporary role of rehabilitaion for people's well-being |
17.00- Coffee break & Networking |
16.40 Plenary workshop - Robotic technology in rehabilitation |
17.20 Round table: MS and Neurorehabilitation -New Perspectives |
17.40 Individual presentations |

Conference Location
Venue Details
Metropolitan College
The 3rd International Rehabilitation Conference will take place at Metropolitan College, Maroussi Campus, on 8-9, November 2024.
With over 40 years of history, Metropolitan College is the largest College of university studies in Greece as well as the largest transnational education (TNE) provider by enrollment in Europe. It delivers in 8 state-of-the-art campuses nationwide more than 70 Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programmes across 12 Faculties in collaboration with 6 global universities. In addition, it is the only College in Greece that is a member of Compostela International Group of Universities and accredited by a network of more than 30 cross-industry national and international organizations and associations.
Metropolitan College is monitoring international trends in education and offers academic programmes focusing on high-demand sciences in the local and international labor market, as well as innovative subjects of study enhancing employability potentials.
74, Sorou str., Maroussi, Greece, 151 25
Phone Number:
+30 210 - 6199891